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深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 > 新闻动态 > GPS宽带恢复 GRF2133 GRF2133-EVB 主营GuerrillaRF系列

GPS宽带恢复 GRF2133 GRF2133-EVB 主营GuerrillaRF系列

发布时间: 2019/3/26 12:27:02 | 396 次阅读

烨弘轩电子 www.yhx-group.com 的IC买购在线平台,打造IC业界价格风暴,3000万现货库存销售,没有,只有更低。所有产品均为原厂原包原标原装每一片都来自正规渠道每一片都可追溯
 GRF2133是一种宽带线性增益块,具有超高增益和低于0.8dB的噪声系数,适用于小型电池、蜂窝扩展器、无线基础设施和其他高性能应用。它被配置为线性驱动器、低噪声放大器或级联增益块,在设计和跨平台上都提供了高水平的重用。该装置在1.8至5.0 V的电源电压下运行,可选IDDQ范围为30至160 mA,以实现效率和线性。G
RF2070 is configured as a first stage LNA, linear driver or cascaded gain block, and offers high levels of reuse within a design and across platforms
GRF2071 is a broadband, linear, ultra-low noise amplifier designed for small cell, wireless infrastructure and other high performance RF applications requiring ultra-low NF, high gain, and high linearity
GRF2100 is a high-gain, low-current LNA tunable over 100MHz to 3800MHz, with gain and NF with Iddq levels as low as 6mA
GRF2101 is an ultralow noise amplifier designed for IEEE 802.11a/n/ac/p applications (5.1GHz to 5.925GHz)
GRF2106 is a low cost, high gain LNA designed for a wide range of applications up to 4.2GHz
GRF2133 is a broadband linear gain block featuring ultrahigh gain and sub 085dB noise figure for small cell, cellular booster, wireless infrastructure, and other high performance applications
GRF2201 is a low-cost, linear LNA designed for demanding 2.4GHz WLAN and ISM band applications
GRF2373 can serve as a low current, high gain LNA or linear driver tunable over 100MHz to 3800MHz
GRF2374 is a low noise amplifier with bypass designed for high-performance WLAN/ISM and other applications up to 3.8GHz
GRF2541 is an ultra-low noise amplifier with bypass designed for IEEE 80211a/n/ac/p applications in the 5GHz band (51GHz to 5925GHz)
GRF4014 features simple external matching, and exhibits outstanding broadband NF, linearity, and return losses over wide fractional bandwidths with a single match
GRF5511 delivers excellent P1dB, IP3 and NF over a wide range of frequencies with fractional bandwidths >15% and is well suited to demanding 80211ac 5GHz PA/driver applications
GRF2106 21 dB 0.1 GHz to 4.2 GHz DFN-6
GRF2373 18.5 dB 0.1 GHz to 3.8 GHz DFN-6
GRF2101 17.5 dB 4 GHz to 10 GHz DFN-6
GRF2201 20.7 dB 2.4 GHz DFN-6
GRF2374 14 dB 0.1 GHz to 3.8 GHz DFN-6
GRF2133 28 dB 0.1 GHz to 2.7 GHz DFN-6
GRF2100 16.5 dB 0.1 GHz to 3.8 GHz DFN-6
GRF2070 20.8 dB 0.4 GHz to 1.5 GHz DFN-8
GRF2071 19 dB 0.7 GHz to 2.7 GHz DFN-8
GRF5511 15.4 dB 0.7 GHz to 6 GHz QFN-16
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中国经济特区深圳.我司专注于为电子企业提供优质的电子零件供应服务,竭力打造品牌元器件零售与批量供应中心。经营各类电子元器件(集成电路IC,存储芯片,分立器件,电源,无源元件,连接器,继电器,传感器,光电子,开关,保险元件,紧固件,开发工具,变压器,测试与测量等)。 我们以低成本提供全方位一站式电子元件供应链采购方案,包括但不仅限于电子元件紧急物料搜寻,电子元件齐套供应、电子元件降低成本的长期供应,库存寄售等一系列供应链解决方案。优势供应各类电子组件.
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 重点客户遍布中国内地 港 澳 台地区,另外欧美发达国家以及 一代一路沿线发展中国家我司也有大量长期合作的优质客户。
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 为一般纳税人 可开具16%增值税票   有合作基础可申请月结,延长账期等多种供货付款方式。
公司经营目标:整合资源全 芯 全意为您服务。
主营 :  主动电子元器件 集成电路 IC 芯片 (AD TI  MAX NXP ST LT XILINX ALTERA)等。
联系方式: 您可以通过下面任意一种方式 联系到我们
朱娜婷(Luna )女士
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