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深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 > 新闻动态 > LTC4126EV-10#TRMPBF 授权代理商 LTC4126EV-10#TRPBF 特价库存

LTC4126EV-10#TRMPBF 授权代理商 LTC4126EV-10#TRPBF 特价库存

发布时间: 2019/8/8 11:09:11 | 385 次阅读

烨弘轩电子 www.yhx-group.com 的IC买购在线平台,打造IC业界价格风暴,3000万现货库存销售,没有,只有更低。所有产品均为原厂原包原标原装每一片都来自正规渠道每一片都可追溯
The LTC4126-10 is a low-power wireless single-cell Li-Ion battery charger with an integrated step-down DC/ DC regulator. The step-down regulator is a low-noise multimode charge pump which is powered from the battery and provides a regulated 1.2V at the output. The switching frequency is set to either 50kHz or 75kHz depending on the mode to keep any switching noise out of the audible range.
The LTC4126-10 charger is a full-featured constant-current constant-voltage Li-Ion battery charger with automatic recharge, automatic termination by safety timer, and battery temperature monitoring via an NTC pin. Charge current is fixed at 10mA with a 3-hour termination timer. Undervoltage protection disconnects the battery from all loads when the battery voltage is below 3.0V.
The tiny 2mm × 2mm LQFN package and minimal external component count make the LTC4126-10 well suited for Li-Ion battery powered hearing aid applications and other low power portable devices where a small solution size is required.
Hearing Aids
Low Power Li-Ion Powered Devices
Wireless Headsets
IoT Wearables
Wireless Li-Ion Battery Charger Plus High Efficiency Multi-Mode Charge Pump DC/DC
Wideband Rx Frequency: DC to >10MHz
Integrated Rectifier with Overvoltage Limit
Pin Selectable Charge Voltage: 4.1V or 4.2V
Charge Current: 10mA (Fixed)
Low Battery Disconnect: 3.0V
NTC Pin for Temperature Qualified Charging
DC/DC Regulated Output: 1.2V
DC/DC Output Current: Up to 60mA
50kHz/75kHz Switching, No Audible Noise
Pushbutton and/or Digital on/off Control for DC/DC
Thermally Enhanced 12-Lead 2mm × 2mm LQFN Package
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司,我司2011年成立于中国经济特区深圳.我司专注于为电子企业提供优质的电子零件供应服务,竭力打造品牌元器件零售与批量供应中心。经营各类电子元器件(集成电路IC,存储芯片,分立器件,电源,无源元件,连接器,继电器,传感器,光电子,开关,保险元件,紧固件,开发工具,变压器,测试与测量等)。 我们以低成本提供全方位一站式电子元件供应链采购方案,包括但不仅限于电子元件紧急物料搜寻,电子元件齐套供应、电子元件降低成本的长期供应,库存寄售等一系列供应链解决方案。优势供应各类电子组件.
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 是深圳市芯片行业协会注册会员单位
主要客户: 5G互联网  汽车电子 非标军用电源  工业类 仪器仪表 以及提供整机配套。
深圳市烨弘轩电子有限公司 为一般纳税人 可开具16%增值税票   有合作基础可申请月结,延长账期等多种供货付款方式。
公司经营目标:整合资源全 芯 全意为您服务。
主营业务: 进口主动电子元器件 集成电路 IC 芯片。主营品牌: AD TI INFINEON  XILINX INTEL.  
联系方式: 您可以通过下面任意一种方式 联系到我们
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